Odoo Reporting: Redesign your Sales Order Form
This is a premium 90 minute long Odoo training video that shows practical report design and changes using qweb templates in Odoo 8. Available stand alone or as part of the Odoo subscription.
Video Length:
95 minutes
Free With Odoo Inner Circle
90 minute report customization training video
In this 90 minute video see step by step how to transform the default quotation / sales order form in Odoo to handle custom report headers, better date formating, text alignment, conditional qweb handling, basic bootstrap layout handling, and more. If you want to start learning how to customize reports in Odoo this video will get you past the basics and on your way to more advanced report building.
Learn to make the reports the look the way you want them to
One of the most common questions we receive is 'how do you customize reports in Odoo?'. Now in Odoo 8 you have the opportunity to utilize a powerful new reporting engine that leverages your skills across all platforms including mobile phones and tablet computers. Much of the skills you learn in this very video are applicable to creating quality web pages and even full web applications in Odoo. Reporting is no longer something separate and disconnected but rather it integrated and part of the entire Odoo framework.
Before and after, business driven report customization
The sales order format and layout came from a real business requirement and case need. Not a contrived example, this video walks you through step by step the process and development cycle for taking the default Odoo quotation and moving it toward an end goal. See the before, see the after, and watch all the steps in between that it takes to make a customized report in Odoo.
Odoo Reporting: Redesign Odoo quotation and sales v8
Exactly what changes are you making to the sales order report?
We make a variety of changes that involve the custom header, making the logo larger, formatting text, and creating a layout that was more desireable to the client. But even better than describing it, here is a before and after so you can get an idea of what changes you will learn how to make in the video.
Default quotation/sales order format in Odoo
This is what the quotation looks like in Odoo before the changes:
Customized quotation / sales order in Odoo
Here is the look of the quotation / sales order with the changes that are made in the video:
A few things to notice include:
- Larger logo and company address off to the right
- Quotation information moved into to right corner
- Learn to put in your own custom header
- Learn how to use the 'contact' widget, add the website to the contact
- Information under quotation is right justified
- Format the quotation date to be in Month day, year format
- Using t-if statements in qweb to determine quotation vs sales order
- Change the number of columns in the line items of the sales order