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Understanding the Odoo Framework
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Odoo Framework from an application perspective

Understanding the Odoo Framework

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This video looks at the various components of the Odoo Framework and how they work together to create Odoo Applications. We review MVC (model, view, controller) architecture, their interaction with actions and menus and tips on how to find the source code behind various Odoo operations. This video is a good place to start for people that are confused about how the Odoo framework fits together.

Video Length:   1:01 Hours
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Learn how to the Odoo Framework fits together

The purpose of this video is to help you better understand how the various components of the Odoo Framework fit together to create powerful business applications and modules. It's designed for those who have a functional understanding of how Odoo works but perhaps are new to developing in Odoo or find navigating the Odoo Framework difficult to develop in.

Understanding the Odoo framework has great benefits

Even if you are not planning to develop modules for Odoo and intend only to be an Odoo Implementer or use Odoo as an end user there is great value in understanding how the Odoo Framework fits together. By having at least a basic understanding of the components you will be in a better position to convey requirements to programmers and understand the work and value they are providing.

Getting started with Odoo's Framework in just one hour

While this video will not tell you every thing you need to know to start writing applications in Odoo it is the perfect place to start if the framework is new to you and you are still figuring out how it all fits together. You should however have a clear understanding of Odoo functionality before watching this video. Once you have the basics of the Odoo Framework down you will be even better prepared to understand the content in other developer videos and advanced topics.

Why would I want to understand the framework that is under Odoo?

Well if you are a developer then understanding the Odoo framework is essential if you are going to do any serious application development. Odoo integrators and IT specialists however need to understand the Odoo framework as it will help them better troubleshoot problems and assist users when they have problems. It will give you a great advantage in communicating with Odoo developers and requesting modifications to your Odoo installations.  

Do I need to understand Python or be a programmer to watch this video?

No. This is not a video on how to develop for Odoo. We have many other videos on that cover developing Odoo applications. This video is designed to introduce those that are new to the Odoo Framework and how the various pieces fit together. The way the video is designed is the first part of the video is almost entirely within the Odoo interface and then in later parts of the video we look at some code here and there... but it is simply to explain how the framework fits together and give you a jumping off point to your Odoo Development. 

Understanding Models and Views

Much of the first part of this video is dedicated to understanding what models are in Odoo. We spend time specifically discussing the res_partner model that underlies many collections in Odoo including Customers, Suppliers, Employees, and Users. We look at the various relationships between models and how One2many, Many2one, and Many2Many fields in models can bind models together to create the powerful application solutions that Odoo provides. We then learn how views can take the information from within models and display them in various forms for the user to see and interact with. 

Learning about the Controller aspect of Odoo's Framework

While models hold the data and views display the data, controllers act as the go between to create functional applications. When you click that Create button on your form view, a controller then handles all the business logic, including checking security and handling any data validation before the data is inserted into the model. In this video we break down those components and explain how they all work together.

Actions in Odoo

No coverage of the Odoo framework can be complete without a discussion of actions. Actions are definitions that decide exactly when and how a view should be displayed. Think of the views as just a book of pages. Actions decide exactly what page in the book to show. Actions are more powerful in that the let you filter the data in the view as well as determine the number of records that can be displayed.