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Understanding the Odoo 8 API - Processing Recordsets

Understanding the Odoo 8 API - Processing Recordsets

Odoo Inner Circle Only

With Odoo 8 came a powerful new API for processing record sets. This video allows a developer who understands the basics to start using Odoo 8's new record set features.

Video Length:   7 minutes
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Builds on the previous Smart Button video

This video is designed as a quick follow up to the Odoo 8 smart button video that shows you how to create your own dynamic smart buttons. In that video we utilized some of the new Odoo 8 features but still primarily processed our recordsets using the old Odoo 7 format for processing recordsets. In this video we go back and clean up the code to use the Odoo 8 API

Create and search for recordsets using the new Odoo 8 API

This video is short and to the point. It shows in a functional field how to lookup the payment vouchers for a customer and count them up. The essential code is in fact just two lines of code.

Advantages of managing recordsets with the new API

Odoo's new API is far more developer friendly (particularly if you already know python) and allows for better management of recordsets. This video specifically shows you how you can look at ANY model you choose in any Odoo application, perform a search and then do an operation on the resulting recordset.