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Configuring an outgoing server and sending email from Odoo

Configuring an outgoing server and sending email from Odoo

Odoo Inner Circle Only

Configure your email server to work with Odoo

Video Length:   24 minutes
Free With Odoo Inner Circle

Learn how to setup an outgoing email server in Odoo

One of the most powerful feature of Odoo is the abiltity to quickly configure Odoo to talk to standard email servers to send out a variety of emails through Odoo including sales order confirmations, invoice acknowledgements, contracts, marketing campaigns and more. In this video you see how to setup an outgoing email server within Odoo in a matter of minutes.

Powerful dynamic email templates you can customize

While Odoo provides a default email template for most operations the real power is in designing email templates that work for your business. In this video we examine how to modify the Odoo template that each new user receives. Furthermore we learn how to use dynamic fields that pull information directly from Odoo. Even better, we see a tool built into Odoo that gives us the exact syntax we need to use to create our own dynamic emails.

Use Odoo's email integration to manage user authentication

When you setup Odoo to an outgoing email server you can more easily manage your users as Odoo will automatically send email acknowledgements to new users providing them an opportunity to set their own password. Because you never have to manage passwords or deliver them to end customers this can make managing a large number of users very easy. Even better, a user can easily reset their own password at any time.